These are the heroes with the passion to transform their communities

Florida | Longwood
— The Christian Sharing Center
Our mission is to provide essential resources to those in need while ensuring dignity, reflecting Christian generosity, and sharing God’s Love – www.thesharingcenter.org –

Florida | Sanford
— Branched Digital Inc.
Veteran Owned, Faith Driven. A digital marketing and ad agency. Where advertising isn’t exactly advertising anymore so we strategize and deploy communication plans through the right channels to help you reach new audiences while keeping your costs down – www.BranchedDigital.com –

Florida | Sanford
— Meals on Wheels of Seminole County
We are a charitable organization that has been making a difference for our Seminole County Seniors for over 45 years – www.mealsetc.org –

Florida | Sanford
— Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries
Redeeming Life Maternity Home is a safe, Christ-centered home in Sanford, Florida, for single women in crisis pregnancy. These women find help, love, and support for themselves and their unborn children.
– www.rlom.org –

Florida | Sanford
— The Association of Related Churches
The ARC is an association of relational churches working with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches. The goal of ARC is to develop and share human and ministry resources to assist in church planting and growth, and to provide wisdom and guidance at no cost to the member churches. ARC has been a part of starting well over 300 churches in the last thirteen years with over a 93% success rate! G3 Church is ARC Church #395!
– www.arcchurches.com –