A Place To Belong
"Praise the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain, because our god is Holy" Psalms 99:9
G3 Church Exists to...
Welcome everyone and provide a place to BELONG and BECOME more like Christ!
Everyone wants to belong to something! In our world, where the sense of emptiness and alienation permeates so many people’s lives, we need a more meaningful way to relate to others and God…a place to belong.
G3 Church is determined to do just that!
A Church For Everyone
“All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God’s Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man’s life. It shows him how to be right with God.” -2 Timothy 3:16 (NLV)

— Our Mission
G3 is a place where people are met where they are at in life; where people can find acceptance, authentic love, hope, and promise; and where people can offer compassionate service to others and have the opportunity to better understand who Christ is and how they might become more like him.
— Our Vision
We exist to welcome and provide a place to belong and become more like Christ—a place where people are challenged to become the person they were created and destined to be.
— Our Story
In February of 2013, six couples, led by Pastor Sam and Pam, began meeting together weekly to pray through and consider if God was calling them to start a life-giving church in the city of Sanford. As God’s call was confirmed, G3 Church launched into existence on February 9, 2014!